Available Hotels
Ponte di Legno
Mignon ***: 0364/900480 - www.albergomignon.it - info@albergomignon.it
Overnight stay in a double room with half board: 85 euro
Sciatori ***: 0364/906333 - www.hotelsciatori.eu - sciatori@iridehotels.com
Overnight stay in a double room with half board: 90 euro
Veduta dell’Adamello ***: 0364/906404 - www.vedutadelladamello.it - info@vedutadelladamello.it
Overnight stay in a double room with half board: 70 euro
Passo del Tonale
Overnight stay in a double room with half board: 120 euro
Booking conditions
- direct contact with the hotels to check the availability
- agreement with the hotelier concerning the confirmation and the terms of payment